This was really the story that started this whole writing journey. I didn't know that this dream I had (or maybe it was a near death experience, who knows... I was drinking heavily at the time lol) would plant the seed of inspiration that would, years later, come raging to the forefront and demand to be written into a story.
In this dream, I was given a tour by a cloaked deity that, for the purposes of this post, shall remain unnamed. I was shown a place that was beyond my wildest imaginings. Expansive rooms of art, music, halls of literature— and a deep, boundless room that was the "library", archiving all events of our universe. Wild right? I never forgot a single detail of that "dream"— or whatever it was. Fortunately, in spite of the suspicions of well meaning, yet horrifically irresponsible acquaintances at the time— I did not die of alcohol poisoning that night. I don't judge their irresponsibility... as I wasn't doing so hot myself in those precarious days.
So, fast forward nearly a decade later. The chimes of inspiration had been turning my hand from musical instruments to the keyboard (no, not my electric piano— my computer keyboard). I began creating short stories; and the funny thing was, these short stories moved in me like songs. Teasing and pulling me back and forth, captivating my mind until I finally found the right notes... the right words. The resolution chord and all of the beats before that which built up to it.
Story is like a dance- a waltz. But you're not bound by time. The future inspires the past, and the past can become the present at your whim. I've always been spellbound by talented novelists, especially those who build worlds of fantasy. They are little-d-deities in their own right. My hat forever remains off to them.
I was already a huge fan of fantasy fiction. Writers like Robin Hobb, Brandon Sanderson, Gaiman, Martin— and the many other trilogies I would gobble up— they made me want to create worlds. But I wasn't a novelist. Talent like that, I always considered, to be far beyond my reach. So I just painted the worlds, literally, because I am an illustrator. My writing was short, and done in secret. Attempt creation at the level of these dimension-building-architects? Reigning over their various cosmeres? Nay, good sir. I wouldn't even dare.
Then one day, while in my closet looking for something to wear— I saw it. I saw a scene that demanded to be written. This scene immediately began weaving itself into the dream I had so many years ago. So what did I do in this endless, pivotal moment?
Well— first I put on pants. In my experience, no good can truly be accomplished without pants. And believe me, I've tried. As we say in addiction recovery, "First things first."
So I sat down and began this journey. And I've met so many wonderful people in the process. People who have taught me the craft of fiction writing. And believe me- when they say 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration— they're not lying. I was a songwriter, not a novel writer. And I had, and still have, so much to learn. Though I can proudly say that, today, I'm not the writer I was in 2020. I've worked hard. And I can take a good ass-kicking of constructive criticism... always responding, "Thank you maam or sir, may I have another?"
That's the only way to get better. I know from being a creator in other media for so many years, that the only way to success is to first suck— and to know you suck. Get over it. No matter how strong the inspiration is, the execution of something new is bound to scrape the bottom of Suck Valley, baby. But if you're smart, you'll seek out those who are better and wiser than you. And then you actually have to stfu and listen to them.
I can't thank my critique group enough, along with those workshops and books that have been so helpful to honing this craft. So, with all that babble said... here's a light description of what's to come. Please, stay on this journey with me. I have *no idea* where it will lead. But... gosh diggity darnit... if there's something of value that I can bring to your life, I truly want you to have it.
Forthcoming Series: Awaken Archangel
C.J. is currently working on an epic fantasy novel series about
the Archangel Michael and the inception of evil. Combining folklore, religion and iconography, this ever-so-human tale about the heavenly host brings us back to the time before time—when innocence reigned and evil was still an unused variable.
Incorporating Bostrom's simulation hypothesis (that the entire universe is a simulation), this unique spin on the legendary fall from grace shows us how our attitudes and choices truly have the power to not only shape us; but to shape everything.
This sounds so cool! I can't wait!